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    their power is connected to our pain.”

    Arlene Vassell, Founding Director

  • Mission & Vision

    Our mission is to create inclusive, equitable and welcoming communities and work environments for all people. Our vision is to create Black-centered organizations and communities where Black people are thriving, not merely surviving.

    We believe that every community and organization have the capacity to create an environment and culture that values diverse backgrounds, perspectives and lived experiences; and every individual has the innate ability to be an active participant in the
    necessary activities to support that philosophy.

    Who We Are

    TooREL Institute for Social Change (TISC) is a collective of subject matter experts, strategists, thought leaders, healers and facilitators devoted to dismantling inequitable systems and structures that deem dominant cultural groups deserving of lives free from violence, while others are harmed, overlooked, dismissed, and mistreated in their communities and workplaces.


    We believe diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) approaches are inadequate without the infrastructure and commitment to support and sustain thriving environments for all. TISC extends beyond typical DEI approaches and deepens into a Roots, Equity, and Liberation (TooREL™) framework. The aim of TooREL is to confront and address root causes of racial inequalities and institutional racism in order to design and implement organizational culture change plans as well individual behavior outcomes of self-actualization, accountability, healing and emotional wellness as key aspects of achieving sustainable transformation. Our work is focused on co-creating black-centered environments that embed equity, wellness and liberation in all policies, procedures, and practices.

    The collective brings more than 50 years of experience to our mission: to create inclusive, equitable and welcoming communities and work environments for all people.


    We believe all humans deserve to live free from violence and abuse in work environments where they are seen, valued, heard, and respected. Therefore, we collaborate with our clients to disrupt and dismantle practices, procedures and policies that perpetuate anti-Blackness and other intersecting oppressions.


    We understand that creating inclusive practices is rarely about individuals and organizations not having the ability to disrupt unfair and harmful practices, procedures and policies. Instead, we believe that individuals choose to support and maintain the status quo that benefits some at the expense of others.


    No more excuses. 


    Are you ready to cultivate a work environment that promotes joy, healing, resilience, courage, and hope; empowers staff to show up as their most authentic selves; shifts power and resources to individuals most impacted by anti-Blackness, racial inequities and other intersecting oppressions, and increase creativity, reduce turnover and burnout?


    If yes, don't delay, contact us for a free consultation!

    What We Do

    We offer culture shift readiness assessments, transformational strategic planning, coaching, customized trainings, resource development and other capacity building support services for nonprofits, government agencies and organizations committed to dismantling unfair practices and systems of oppression in order to create inclusive, equitable and welcoming work environments and communities for all people.

    Overarching Goal

    Cultivating joy and equity in the workplace and increasing sustainable pathways of wellness and liberation for people of color in the gender-based violence movement and general nonprofit sector.

  • Core Values

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    People Centered

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    Truth Telling

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